If you own or work for a commercial painting company you will understand the everyday challenges that you have to face as you try to grow and expand your business. There are a few challenges that all businesses face, so narrowing down the specifics for your particular business will set you off in the right direction. Most companies fully understand where they want their business to get to and in what time frame it should be done, and taking care of the bottom line of common challenges is a great way to secure your business in a local area, and continue offering your customers a reliable and dedicated painting service that they can depend on.

Build on your own success

When commercial painting contractors wish to expand, they can sometimes forget what initially got them into the great position they are in. Building on what you have is one thing that will help propel your business into the future and bring along all of your existing customers and business partners. Maintaining your reputation is one of the most important aspects of any business, especially in the business of commercial painting where one bad job or mistake can have a large impact on future business. Maintaining a good reputation is a case of being on top of all of your jobs and handing over checks and balances to a trusted member of your team if you cannot commit to each and every job for lack of time. Your reputation is your business, so keeping a good one and building on it will allow your business clients and customers the chance to spread the word of your great job, personal communication and costs that will help build your business into the future.

The Three R’s of Business

Communication with your customers is also a key factor in determining your reputation, continuing to get on-going business and helping to build relationships with your customers. Business owners can sometimes forget that business is all about the three R’s of business:

  • Relationships
  • Reliability
  • Reputation

Keeping regular contact with your clients is a great way to foster engagement and keep yourself at the forefront of their mind so they will remember you next time they are looking for the services you offer. Regular contact will also encourage referrals which create new relationships with new clients. Provide friendly, reliable service and you will make a great impression on first-time customers. Great communication includes the ability to negotiate well in a friendly and fairway. Playing hardball sometimes works for particular clients, but if a client sees that you have put all of your cards on the table and are offering a fair deal, they are more likely to respect your honesty and consider you trustworthy.

Adopt the latest Technology

Your painting company with professional & commercial painters would benefit greatly from adopting new technology to help aid in your business. One of the best ways to do this is to offer a fully-fledged website, with information placed in an easy to read and understandable way. Offer alternative ways of contacting you such as via email or text message, or even better create a Facebook and Twitter page for your business to allow customers and clients see what you do on a daily basis, as well as offer them an alternative means to communicate, advertise and inform your customers of new products, new services and company news. Innovations in paint technology and different approaches to paint application are also important to keep up with. Offering the latest painting trends and technology will not only save your time and money in the long run, but your clients will also have more confidence in your expertise.

Risk-Taking Process

Risk management and taking process

Image credit: report.akzonobel.com

Risk-taking is a part of the business, and can either very much pay off or signal the end of a particular route you are taking. Risk-taking is not about simply doing things out of the ordinary to help boost your business, but it is about taking calculated risks. When you research a particular route you wish to take your business, the more research you do, the better prepared you will be for the possible outcomes. This allows you to calculate the risks against the benefits, and help point you in the right direction when it comes to risk management and the evolution of ideas and business planning. Your commercial painting company is built on the quality of the work you have done and the relationships you have made throughout its journey. Build on your reputation and focus on what you offer your clients and customers to keep them happy with your service. Expand at a calculated pace and only take risks when you know the possible outcomes when it comes to planning your next stage in your company’s development.

Skilled and experienced commercial painting in sydney