Not all office have to be dreary and dull, with uninspiring colours and drab decorative features. There’s certainly something of a stereotype that large offices in particular are set up this way with another level of painting and decorating.
In fact, some studies suggest that some bright colours can inspire creativity, happiness and general productivity. While it depends on the nature of the work you are doing, there certainly seems to be something to this when you look at the offices for some of the world’s largest and most successful companies. Just like the below THREE
Commercial fitouts Sydney are becoming the very norm even though fancy commercial office fit outs can be on the pricey side. Let’s take a look at a few of the styles that are popular at the moment. You’ll notice that the modern trend is to maximise natural length.

This is a good example of a modern office. While it may not be as over the top or visually impressive as Google’s offices, for example, you can see that this has benefited from a decorators’ touch. For one thing, you can see that the decorator has looked to take advantage of the high-quality natural light that is entering the room by painting the ceiling and some of the walls white. This heightens the natural light in the room, which can help to reduce stress and usually means happy workers.
This is contrasted nicely with the brown timber flooring (which also works well with the use of oranges splashed around the room) and colourful modern design furniture. Lastly, we can see the effect of the use of plants, whose presence is a positive in just about any office, no matter how it’s designed.

While this is a computer-generated image, this look is quite common. You’ll again notice the large window and tall ceilings, which helps to create a relaxed and comfortable open space. Another similarity with the previous example is the importance of visible plants, or in this case, tree; having a little green around helps to lift workers’ spirits.
In terms of painting and decorating, we see here a more conservative, yet no less effective approach. Combining light browns, silvers and dark green shades helps to create a professional environment.
The theme in each of these images is the use of sunlight and it’s effectiveness when combined with light tones. We see the same in this image, however, we wanted to highlight here how a feature wall can be used nicely. In this case, we have some rustic brickwork that contrasts nicely with the streamlined, professional appearance of the rest of the room. This shows us one of the more popular modern design features; the combination of whites painted walls with browns and timber flooring.
We’ve gone through just a few common stylistically elements that are getting more popular for office fit-outs. Keep an eye on our blog as we’re often sharing ideas about painting and decorating. Remember that if you’re in need of commercial painting services or office fit-outs in Sydney, Priority One Coatings are more than qualified to help you out!